Convert Visual FoxPro to .NET and host your site with Microsoft Azure (or similar host) to provide a way for employees and customers to do data entry and generate reports. Here are some of the advantages:
Your employees can work anytime, anywhere – You will not need as much office space.
Value of your company will go up – Having an old, insecure, inaccessible system will devalue your company.
Better customer support (24/7) – Your customers can generate their own reports, including real time status of orders (cutting down on phone calls and improving customer satisfaction). No more waiting until you are open to find out when their order will be completed. If a customer posts an off-hours request and you have someone monitoring the requests, you can respond quickly. This is a real competitive edge. You can also automatically notify an employee when a request is made.
Your customers can collaborate with your staff on complex projects – All communications can be documented, creating greater accountability.
Your data will be secure – Microsoft SQL Server data is extremely secure. Visual FoxPro’s data (DBFs) are the exact opposite. Almost anyone can find it and access it. Your exposure to liability for the data being stolen will be greatly reduced. If you continue to use Visual FoxPro’s data, you will have no defense in case of a data breach.
Your employees can do ad hoc reports using such tools as Microsoft Access and a host of others
IT and hardware costs will be reduced
Cost of programmers will go down significantly – Visual FoxPro programmers who are available and affordable in the U.S. are few and far between.
Availability of programmers will go up significantly – Hundreds of thousands of C# (that is the language we use) programmers are available.
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